The British Gear Association are closely involved with Standards and Standard development with both BSI and ISO. We have had this notification through from BSI of a survey to collect data from UK companies in regard to UKCA marking. Please can you take a moment to complete the survey. From BSI: “The changes in the UK trade relationship with the EU has impacted standards, technical rules and conformity assessment in the UK and further afield.
For many products, entering the market in Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) this will mean complying with regulations that require the UKCA marking (UK Conformity Assessed). This marking can be used now but will be mandatory in most cases from 2022 and will require appropriate conformity assessment. Manufacturers may continue, as now, to use British Standards to show conformity. Since 1 January 2021, standards have been designated for this purpose by UK government, as well as being cited by the European Commission for conformity in the EU and in Northern Ireland.
UK exporters who may be considering entering new markets, perhaps under conditions covered by new trade agreements, will need to meet the requirements of those target markets. National technical regulations and conformity assessment procedures need to be clearly understood to ensure products are legal.
BSI is therefore conducting a survey with exporters to better understand how your efforts for expansion are currently supported from a regulatory and standards perspective and what additional support BSI could usefully offer you in this area.
If you are active in international markets we would very much appreciate your support.
This survey is easy to complete and should take no longer than 15 minutes. Please click here to take the survey.”
