On Wednesday 23rd November the BGA welcomed representatives from three BGA member companies for face-to-face Gear Wear and Failure training.
Delegates attended a full day at the Design Unit at Newcastle, hosted by Professor Brian Shaw and Mr Chris Aylott. The course included an introduction to gears and their failure modes, heat treatment methods, metallurgical investigation techniques and delegates were able to study several case studies including practical sessions in the lab.
Lunch was provided by Newcastle University catering and the day concluded with a tour of the Design Unit labs and research facilities on site.
The Gear Wear and Failure Course is one of many available to book for 2023. For further information please visit our training section. TRAINING | BRITISH GEAR ASSOCIATION (bga.org.uk)
As with all our in-person training, numbers are limited so we encourage you to book early to avoid disappointment. Our next course for 2023 is already fully booked.
Contact admin@bga.org.uk for all your membership needs.