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Date: 18th, 27th October & 1st November (9:30 - 12:30)

Tutor: Rob Lambert / Dave Coleman

Venue: Online

Fee: BGA Member Free / Non Member £225

This online course is held over 3 sessions and is fully interactive with detailed examples and plenty of time for questions and discussion. Please note the session times.

Bearings are an integral part of all mechanical power transmissions and rolling element bearings are often the most accurate component on the transmission. A good understanding of how they work is essential to those involved in transmission design, manufacture and assembly activities.

We will be examining both as run and damaged bearings which illustrate common failure modes.

The Seminar will cover:

  • How rolling element bearings work and the history of their development.
  • Common radial and thrust bearing types and their application, Benefits and limitations of each type pf bearing.
  • Lubrication considerations.
  • Calculation of bearing loads caused by the gears and discuss good design practice.
  • Common bearing failure modes and an introduction to BS ISO 15243:2017 – Rolling bearings — Damage and failures — Terms, characteristics and causes.
  • Basic bearing life calculation to BS ISO 281:2007 – Rolling bearings — Dynamic load ratings and rating life, for L10 life calculation and the modified life calculation Lmn considering endurance limit, lubrication and lubricant contamination. How do you use them?
  • Miners sum cumulative damage analysis methods to account for varying load conditions.
  • Examination of failed bearings and typical witness marks on bearings in service.


tel: +44 (0)191 208 6160


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The British Gear Association (BGA) is a trade association that promotes the technical and commercial interests of manufacturers, distributors, academics and others involved in the Power Transmissions industry in the United Kingdom.


The Association speaks with authority on behalf of the industry both nationally and internationally and its ability to help companies and individuals involved in the industry is widely recognised by government, the media and industry. The Association is well-represented on British and International Standard committees and provides the Chair of the British Standards Institution's MCE/5 Committee on Gearing.

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