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Graham Penning OBE – Chairman of the Executive Council of the BGA.

“2020 was a challenging and eventful year so it is with great pleasure I can report that our organisation rose to the challenges and despite the difficulties, changed our ways, to take advantage of the opportunities before us, and deliver another successful year.

In particular thanks to the efforts of our staff and members we,

  • Launched our virtual training programme so members do not have the inconvenience of travelling and take days off work to attend these courses. The success of this inspired our lecturers to convert their courses and continue this initiative into 2021.

  • Converted our annual gear conference to a virtual format, which was also a great success, free to members we attracted record numbers of attendees from home and abroad

Additionally, as a great new benefit to our members we, in conjunction with BSI, introduced and funded on-line access to the 25 most important standards that affect our industry. Now all our members have 24/7 on-line access to the latest versions of these critical ISO BSI standards that would cost each member over £6000 to purchase. Now you don’t have to worry if the standards you have bought need updating and the cost of replacing them.

The success of these initiatives was so great that our executive committee decided we should support our members through the continuing financial challenges of Covid 19 by making all our on-line training and events free to our members during 2021. As you are probably aware this action has been one of the most successful and groundbreaking in the recent history of our organisation.

Again, we funded our unique industry trade statistics document, that is only available to members. Containing data that is not only useful for developing strategy but also often critical in applying for government grants.

The outcome of all of the above good work has helped to maintain our membership and resulted in another sound financial year for the Association that provides a solid financial platform to support the future of the BGA.

All of our successes depend upon our members who gave up their time and effort to support our Association and the enthusiasm and work of Kirsty, our administrator, so finally I must thank you all for this.

So, it therefore gives me great pleasure to publish the British Gear Association Annual Report 2020.”

Go to the publications section of the BGA Website to download the report.



tel: +44 (0)191 208 6160


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The British Gear Association (BGA) is a trade association that promotes the technical and commercial interests of manufacturers, distributors, academics and others involved in the Power Transmissions industry in the United Kingdom.


The Association speaks with authority on behalf of the industry both nationally and internationally and its ability to help companies and individuals involved in the industry is widely recognised by government, the media and industry. The Association is well-represented on British and International Standard committees and provides the Chair of the British Standards Institution's MCE/5 Committee on Gearing.

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