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ISO 6336

There are many problems using the ISO 6336 gear stress analysis.  Using commercial software packages is challenging enough.  Trying to write your own spreadsheet or coding the standard takes it to a different level.

The objective of the SIG include:

  1. A confidential round robin comparison of ISO 6336 analysis results by members.

  2. Load distribution modelling and validation.

  3. Miners sum round robin comparison.

  4. Helix angle factor validation.

  5. Comparison with TCA models.

  6. Running in allowances

The SIG looking at ISO 6336 gear stress analysis standards, decided that that first project would be to run a confidential round robin comparison exercise for a hardened steel helical gear pair.  This included:

  1. Developing a format to define the geometry and duty cycle and material specifications in a clear and concise manner. After a few revisions we agreed on this.

  2. Developing an output result template of the resulting calculated safety factors and some of the key intermediate factors that affect the safety factor results. We are expect differences, because interpreting the current version of ISO 6336 suite of standards is very challenging.

  3. The process has been more time consuming than originally envisaged but this effort is expected to pay off in future projects the group undertakes.

  4. To date the 10 sets of results have been received and the process of analysing has been started by Design Unit. Initial finding show variation in the supplied results but we are in the process of establishing if this is because of the way the exercise was specified or if these are simply differences in software publishers interpretation of results.

If you are interested in testing your software and learn more about ISO 6336- how it works, it strengths and weaknesses, please contact the BGA and you would be very welcome to participate with this SIG round robin. 

Membership of a SIG is free to BGA members.

Please contact Kirsty at the BGA on 0191 2086160 / if you wish to participate.  We look forward to hearing from you.


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