Title: Polymer Gears
Date: 18th June
Time: 2pm - 3pm
Venue: TEAMS
Fee: Free event
You are invited to our second Member Focus Session where BGA Member Eric Wiita from Victrex will be presenting their work with polymer gears. Many of our members are interested in new developments in materials and this presentation will let you know all of the latest polymer developments.
This is a live 1 hour session with plenty of time for questions and discussion. Register at the button above or email the BGA Office admin@bga.org.uk.
From Eric Wiita:
"Victrex, headquartered in the United Kingdom, has always been an innovator with Victrex™ PEEK. We focus on expanding the depth and breadth of product that we offer in PEEK; both in granule and in other polymer forms including film, stock shapes, medical devices, etc. Part of that expansion of product offerings has been manufacturing molded gearing with the acquisition of Kleiss Gears Inc in 2015. Through the combination of gear know-how from Kleiss Gears Inc, and the Victrex polymer expertise, we can offer some pretty compelling gearing solutions.
The gears facility is located in Grantsburg, Wisconsin, USA, and is able to mold parts from roughly 5mm to 175mm in diameter. We have fine pitch gears nearing 150 DP, and helical gears around 45 degrees. We have made injection molded compound worm gears as well.
In general, polymers offer a great solution to provide damping to address NVH concerns, or sealing in a pumping application. There are specific methods for taking advantage of polymer properties in a gear design. This can allow you to have polymer gear pairs, or metal and polymer gear pairs. Polymer gears can be 100% plastic or have a metal insert to allow for press fits or keyways to drop in with your gear box.
Victrex™ PEEK is used in engine applications at very high temperatures while under load, has made multistage gearbox reductions that would fit on a postage stamp, and has been used in medical devices spinning at incredibly high speeds. We have been used in nearly every industry and are continuing to innovate to expand the areas where polymer gears can operate.
It is impressive what can be done with polymer gearing. We would like to talk with you about your applications and how we can best support your projects."