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EURAMET Met4Wind training course - 3D gear surface measurement development for wind turbines

The BGA are proud to have supported the EURAMET Met4Wind project for the past 3 years. Met4Wind are arranging a free online seminar on developments in 3D gear surface measurement evaluation methods and all BGA Members are invited attend. Please see details below.

EURAMET Met4Wind training course - 3D gear surface measurement development for wind turbines

Date: 3rd August, 2023

Venue: Online Teams training event hosted by the BGA

Fee: Free to all

About the seminar

Developments in measurement technology now enable us to measure the 3D surfaces of gears, but how do we use the results? This short seminar will update you on research work undertaken in the EURAMET funded Met4Wind project and provide some suggestions. The methods are generic and applicable to all gear applications.

The sessions are pre-recorded so you can go through the material at your own pace reviewing or skipping material as required. A live Q&A session with the presenters will follow and we will also discuss future development plans . A PDF copy of the presentations will be available after the event those who register.


09:15 – 09:30

Welcome and introduction to this online 3D gear measurement course with instructions how to access the pre-recorded presentations

09:30 – 11:30 Pre-recorded technical presentations available for you to access individually.

  • An introduction to holistic gear measurement [Approx 30 mins]

  • 2D and 3D Harmonic analysis of gear surfaces [Approx 30 mins]

  • Measurement and evaluation of damage on gear surfaces using both replicas and directly on the surface [Approx 30 mins]

11:30 – 12:00 Live Q and A session with the presenters and future development plans

If you would like to register for this seminar please click the button below or contact Kirsty & Lynne in the BGA office

You are welcome pass this information on to others who may also be interested.

We look forward to seeing you on 3rd August.


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