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New BGA Member: Olsen Actuation Ltd

We are delighted to welcome Olsen Actuation Ltd to the BGA Membership. We are certain that they will make a great contribution to the association.

About Olsen Actuation Olsen Actuators (Olsen Engineering Group) was established in 2004 by Piers Olsen, an engineer with over 30 years of experience and success in delivering solutions for challenging mechanical applications in some of the most demanding environments. His expertise has helped the organisation gain a world-class reputation within actuators and motion control technology and with it, a profound grasp of how to help the customer improve their chance of success.

Through our provision of complete solutions in precision technical markets, Olsen Actuators have built a reputation for delivering electro-mechanical systems including customised patented electric actuators combined with power electronics (motor drives). High-profile applications include power turbine valve control, manned primary flight controls in the aerospace & space sector, dynamic static and endurance testing of components and systems in the prime contractor defence sector and clean energy-efficient pressing and sealing, moulding and dispensing in the medical and pharmaceutical sector.

At Olsen, our goal is to supply our clients with carefully sized actuators and drives best matched to your application specification, offering advice and opinion about best practices and available technologies, furthermore offering you the option of a complete solution. We are truly a global leader in the customisation and integration of complete electromechanical systems including mechanical design, sizing and modelling with the latest top-brand product lines. Every product or solution provided, whether it's a single actuator or a sophisticated control system, benefits from our wide application experience.

Our approach is based on a careful assessment of the application and consideration of the long-term effectiveness of a solution that is not only appropriate for the present, but also future-proof. For your peace of mind, Olsen Actuators provides assistance and support for all our components at every level, from sizing, design calculations, FEA, performance and life modelling to pre-programming bench testing, in-house validation and certification test rigs through to installation and final commissioning and then remote support diagnostics, maintenance & refurbishment option completed by our authorised UK service centre.

We place a considerable emphasis on improving machine performance whilst optimising efficiency, improving reliability and maximising the total lifecycle of our products and systems. Our in-house application simulation and testing facilities mean you can be sure our solutions fulfil the performance and duty cycles you require. Olsen Actuators make extensive use of lifetime software modelling technology to guarantee that our solutions always fulfil your performance and duty cycle needs, and to closely approximate the total cost of ownership savings over the life of the installation.

All of the products in Olsen Actuators' extensive range are aligned with our commitment to helping our customers save and conserve energy. We are proud to be a significant voice in the sustainability movement towards electrification to drive efficiency, reduce carbon and save the planet.

Since electric actuators only use electricity when moving, they are significantly more energy-efficient than their hydraulic and pneumatic counterparts. Quiet, reliable and more precise; electric actuators are faster, better and stronger and offer advantages within almost every application.

Piers Olsen, “Essentially, we are passionate about projects we believe can help change the world for the better.”

So please communicate with Olsen’s experienced engineering team and tell them about your ideas and projects. We will be honest about what you can expect to achieve with our technologies. Together we can explore many options, minimising risks. Our objective is to articulate the benefits and deliver an outstanding solution, with the promise that we will keep your systems moving for many years into the future!


Telephone: 01925 202 127



tel: +44 (0)191 208 6160


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The British Gear Association (BGA) is a trade association that promotes the technical and commercial interests of manufacturers, distributors, academics and others involved in the Power Transmissions industry in the United Kingdom.


The Association speaks with authority on behalf of the industry both nationally and internationally and its ability to help companies and individuals involved in the industry is widely recognised by government, the media and industry. The Association is well-represented on British and International Standard committees and provides the Chair of the British Standards Institution's MCE/5 Committee on Gearing.

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